Bread and Beyond

The story of Daily Bread-n-Foods begins with Shahbehram Khodiyar Atai, originally from Iran, who set up Aryan Bakery in Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1939. He then went on to introduce Daily Bread, offering healthy, packaged bread of consistent quality that you could get daily –as opposed to the unpackaged bread sold round the corner. The name was inspired from the Daily newspaper delivered at his door.

Shahbehram Atai had a great sense of enterprise and hospitality–qualities he passed on to his son Shahriyar Atai, who took over from him in …….. Shahriyar attended the reputed bakery institute, CFTRI, in Mysore, and got thorough hands-on training from the best in the business, including master bakers from abroad. He came back brimming with ideas. “You cut sandwiches into triangles from two slices of bread,” he said. “So, why not make triangular sandwich bread and do away with the cutting?” The idea took off and so did many other innovations.

Daily Bread grew into Daily Bread-n-Foods as more and more products were launched. Shahriyar invested in the most modern machinery and introduced a range of breads and bread products with healthy ingredients. Daily Bread-n-Foods’ customers comprise demanding and discerning institutions in the city like hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and colleges.

‘Daily Bread-n-Foods’, with the image of the friendly chef on the pack, is today a brand that stands for quality, reliability and affordability across a wide range of healthy and delicious food products…Bread and beyond. The passion for good taste that Shahriyar Atai inherited from his father is apparent in the new items under the banner—including the popular Bhonu Appetite, authentic Parsi cuisine. Daily Bread-n-Foods also undertakes catering for different segments.

Every recipe in the ‘Daily Bread-n-Foods’ range has a secret ingredient: passion.